How To Think Big
Andreas Von Der HeydtNovember 24, 2021

How To Think Big

In order to achieve big goals we need to be willing to think big. Theoretically we all can do it. In reality, however, we often constrain ourselves, we have doubts in our skills and capabilities, and we might lack self-belief and confidence. As a result we do not see the big picture.

How to get rid off our self-imposed limitations? How to give ourselves a try? Below are my best strategies for you to become a Big Thinker and to experience its magic:

  • Live your dreams. If you can dream and imagine it, you can do it.
  • Allocate enough time to dream and to think. Sounds (too) obvious? Well, are you doing it?
  • Believe in you and your ideas. Then others will copy and follow you.
  • Think, feel, behave, and act positively. That will trigger a positive spiral of self-confidence and create a can-do-attitude.
  • Be bold and brave. Be daring and encourage yourself and others to fail.
  • Get on your feet again after each failure. Be proud of you. Analyze the reasons of the setbacks. Then look ahead, keep going and try it again, and again.
  • Delete the word “problem“ from your vocabulary and replace it with “solution.“
  • Think outside of the box. Think colours instead of numbers.
  • Surround yourself with like-minded believers, positive shapers, and creative makers. You are what you eat, i.e. you are affected by the company you keep.
  • Treat others with respect. Then they will support and respect you. This will strengthen your self-confidence, and – as a result – will stimulate your creativity and boldness.
  • Be prepared to be misunderstood (for a long time). Don´t question yourself too often. Instead try to explain your vision and don´t stray from your path, if you´re fully convinced. Stay focused.
  • Break down your vision into ambitious goals. Have them supported by a doable action plan. Take possible setbacks into account for your planning. They will naturally occur.

Author: Andreas von der Heydt is the Head and Director of Kindle Content at Amazon in Germany.

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