Leadership In Times Of Crisis
Andreas Von Der HeydtNovember 22, 2021

Leadership In Times Of Crisis

As concerns about the novel coronavirus, also known as the COVID-19 virus, continue to spread around the globe, there´s a lot of talk about leaders having to act, to ingest trust, and to mitigate uncertainties and fears as many people are seriously concerned.

Indeed, extremely challenging times – like the crisis we´re facing right now – represent the greatest leadership test. They show if leaders are capable of rising to the occasion and how well they can manage and lead. It´s in times of crisis when we learn the most about leadership (and us).

Although this type of crisis is new, I´d like to present some strategies for leading in difficult times:

  • Get the Facts Right: Required is a very comprehensive situation analysis as a very first step. As a leader, and more than ever, you need to deep dive to better understand the situation at hand and what you´re potentially up against. Rely on facts and figures. Don´t make assumptions and don´t jump to premature conclusions without hard data. Take charge of your thoughts and don´t let emotions get the better of you.
  • Have a Strategy and Plan in Place: And admit that it might be liquid as things could be changing frequently. Extreme challenges and crisis situations are best faced with a cohesive, decisive, and consistent strategy and closely aligned action steps. Be honest to yourself, and ask “What is the worst that could happen?” This will make you face the reality of the situation and help you plan ahead accordingly. Anticipation is a crucial element.
  • Implement thoughtful, impactful, and decisive Actions: Do whatever it takes to address and resolve the crisis. Avoid any risk taking measures. Safety of everyone has to come first. Install clear procedures and mechanisms to be able of documenting and following through. Audit constantly and adjust if necessary.
  • Innovate and Experiment: Besides implementing more general actions and procedures, ensure that there is room that people are empowered to test and experiment by thinking outside of the box and being able to potentially come up with unexpected and more effective solutions.
  • Be Empathetic and Positive: It´s everyone´s responsibility to take concerns of others serious. More so during turbulent and highly unstable times. Express your understanding, show empathy, ask for comments, ideas, and refer back to your strategy and plan. Exhibit an overall positive attitude without downplaying any concerns or challenges.
  • Create a safe Environment: Physically (by taking all required precautions), and equally important, also emotionally and psychologically. It´s crucial to establish and maintain an atmosphere of trust. People should be encouraged to come forward to speak up and tell the truth. Only then critical information can be shared and discussed.
  • Over-communicate: Regularly, transparently, and with consistent messages. Inform about latest updates in a transparent, mindful, and non-confusing manner. Manage expectations. You need to be able to convey the seriousness and the potential impact of the crisis without creating panic.
  • Collaborate: Great things are happening when we work together by leveraging experience, know-how, and resources across borders and other boundaries. Crisis times are an opportunity to knock down walls and antiquated thinking in silos. It´s not a time for single fighters.
  • Be prepared: The next similar challenge will come. It´s not so much a question of “if”, but rather of “when?” By then we should have a comprehensive crisis strategy and action plan in place. Maybe you set up a permanent crisis task force, etc. if not already done? We have to even go a step further and develop a “crisis-ready culture.” An environment which enables and empowers leaders and other stakeholders to anticipate potentially dangerous situations and to step up during situations of crisis, make decisive and speedy decisions, and have all relevant backing required to be highly effective.
  • Exercise Methods of Shared Leadership: The concept of shared leadership which has multiple advantages over teams that take a more traditional approach by relying on a single leader is especially powerful in demanding and ambiguous situations. The combination of talents and interests of several individuals will likely increase success, because greater resources are being devoted to the leadership function.


During a crisis like right now, we all have to step up and become responsible and caring leaders. In our own way and within our specific context. We shouldn´t leave it only to politicians or managers at work. Time has come to take over our ownership share and become accountable for our social good. In such demanding situations we should transform into leaders ourselves and play a supportive role within our communities and families; and within an aligned and coordinated framework.

Regardless of whatever our community is, we have now the opportunity and obligation to display leadership. And to remind ourselves of what we´re capable of. My personal belief is, that with a sound strategy and plan in place, with executional excellence, the willingness to collaborate and learn, and by acting in a socially responsible and caring manner, we can and will overcome any challenge!

Andreas von der Heydt

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