Successful Leaders Live By Lightning Principles
Andreas Von Der HeydtNovember 22, 2021

Successful Leaders Live By Lightning Principles

What is in your opinion more important in order to become and to stay a successful leader:

To acquire and to possess the “right“ leadership characteristics, or to follow and to live by clear leadership principles?

From my perspective, and although the two aspects are certainly interlinked, they are two separate issues which are equally important. Unfortunately, it is a neglected facet in today´s debate on effective and sustainable leadership.

Let me start with a short anecdote: Some weekends ago I privately attended a seminar about leadership and team development. Sunday over lunch I had the pleasure being seated together with some C-level executives of multinational organizations as well as owners of small and mid-sized companies.

We talked a lot about generic business challenges, current and anticipated management trends, complex leadership situations which we´ve been in over the years, and possible training and development ideas for future leaders. The discussion gained significant momentum when we started talking about which traits great leaders do possess. Some put forward the idea that it requires specific personality traits like authenticity, charisma, etc. Others argued that it´s all about skills and abilities. A third group mixed the two previous opinions. As you rightly imagine it was a very diverse exchange of statements and comments which never stood a chance arriving at a mutual consent.

The conversation got really stimulating when one executive – she´s the COO of a large financial firm – expressed that based on her experience the crucial influencing factor of true and lasting success of any leader is not only to possess the (presumably) right leadership characteristics, but also and foremost to follow and to live in an honest and authentic way clear leadership principles.


I wholeheartedly agree with her in the sense of defining the term principle as a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

Saying that, there´s no doubt in my mind that you can only become a good leader, if you exhibit and display certain leadership qualities and characteristics (read more about them here). In addition, however, and to evolve into an outstanding leader, you need to be clear about your and your organization´s leadership principles which you should constantly and rigorously communicate, apply, and live by.

Solid leadership principles allow you, your teams, peers, and business partners to obtain and to give guidance. They transmit purpose to your work and life. Like a torch or a compass they assist in directing behavior towards objectives and activities. Moreover, when principles are sincerely practiced based on authenticity, honesty, generosity, courage, respect, and flexibility then you can build valuable and lasting relationships.

In this respect the following three dimensions should be addressed and evaluated:

  • Company Leadership Principles: Do they exist in your company? Are they aligned with the company´s mission statement, values, and its overall objectives? Are they precise enough and clear to everyone? Are they stimulating and aspirational? Are they communicated to everyone on a regular basis? Are they implemented and being respected? Are they being reviewed and if need to should be adjusted every 5-8 years?
  • Personal Leadership Principles: Have you formulated your own principles based on your values and long-term ambitions? Do you feel comfortable with them? Do you follow them and do you live them in a transparent and authentic manner?
  • Congruency: Is there a strong overlap and fit between your organization´s and your own principles? Do they match, stimulate, and strengthen each other? Is it feeling right?

You should be able to answer all questions with “Yes,” if your aspiration were to become a truly successful leader in your current organization.


In order to acquire a sound understanding about how to adequately phrase your and/ or your company´s leadership principles, let´s have a look at various leadership principles of some of the World´s Most Admired companies:

It’s best to do one thing really, really well
Invent and simplify
Fast is better than slow
Insist on the highest standards
You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer
Bias for action
If something does not work, try something else
There’s always more information out there
If you can dream it, you can do it
Vocally self critical
Deliver results
You can be serious without a suit
Think big
Have backbone, disagree and commit
Great just isn’t good enough
Execute in excellence
Earn trust

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Andreas von der Heydt

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and discussing how I can best assist