Setting Goals For 2022. In The Right Way!
Andreas Von Der HeydtDecember 31, 2021

Setting Goals For 2022. In The Right Way!

As we’re approaching the end of 2021, like many of us, I’ve been reflecting a lot on 2021 and how 2022 might look like. What will be the same, what will be different, and how can I own next year more of my life for the benefit of others and myself?

What do I want to achieve in the coming 365 days, and what not? What are your personal goals for 2022? On what areas of your life do you want to spend more time and energy?

Setting personal goals is both an exciting and relevant exercise. Doing it in an intentional and thoughtful manner keeps our lives focused and vibrant. It helps us to move on, grow, and live a fulfilled life.

It could be goals about our health (e.g. a friend of mine told me the other day that she has decided to walk every day for 30 minutes in her lunch break next year), our development (why not taking an online course?), career (e.g. looking for a new job), relationship goal, etc.

Before setting our goals, a good starting point is to reflect on where we stand, what has happened so far this year, and what really matters to us and why. In a next step, we might want to write down all goals we’re thinking of and try to put them in order by applying certain criteria like relevance, efforts it’ll take to realize them, support needed, etc. This is an important step, as we should resist the temptation of being overly ambitious and trying to chase too many goals at the same time. Rather fewer goals! One proven method which I love to apply whenever I specify my objectives is the so-called SMART formula:

Specific – Is your goal specific enough or is it too big and complex? What needs to be done to achieve it? What resources do you need? Who can support you and how?

Measurable – How will you measure your progress and evaluate that you’re moving on and that you’re on track?

Attainable – Can your goal be achieved or is it too ambitious? If so, how to break it down and take a first step?

Relevant – How much does this goal really matter to you and is the goal important enough for you to go for it with whatever it’ll take?

Time – What’s the time frame to reach the goal? What factors impact the timing and what is within your control?

Once this step is completed, write down your goals in a way which speaks best to you. That could be done with a list (if you like structure), a colorful vision board (if you prefer a creative approach), index cards, mind map, etc. Do it your way!

Afterwards, and that’s critical, you want to create a plan with detailed steps on how and by when you‘d like to reach your goals. A good idea is to include milestone targets, or smaller sub targets, which assist in keeping you on track and keep things achievable. Try also to regularly review where you stand and if you progress as planned. This can be done daily, weekly, or monthly; depending on your goal & what works for you. If not on track, analyze the causes, adjust your target or actions, and if required get support.

Finally, try to make it fun & engaging for yourself when setting and going for targets. Reward yourself once in a while when having hit a goal or a specific milestone; e.g. with a nice dinner, weekend trip, etc. Also, be generous with yourself. One step at a time and don’t allow that the achievement or non-achievement of goals will define you. It’s only one part of your life and who you are.

I wish you and your families a healthy, happy, and fulfilled 2022! Please stay safe, enjoy life, and look well after yourselves and others.

Life is what we make out of it. Let’s make it!

Kind regards,


My latest book “Building A Coaching Culture” might be a stimulating read for you.

Twitter: @avonderheydt

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