Before Resigning Ask For A Promotion
Andreas Von Der HeydtFebruary 2, 2022
Get your Promotion

Before Resigning Ask For A Promotion

It’s performance review season! Yep, this time of the year when many organizations ask employees to review their performance of the past year, and then meet with their line managers to have “good and fruitful conversations.” Sounds familiar?

Well, as long as most companies have not abandoned this traditional and backward-looking performance appraisal system (which I’ve been questioning for many years…instead let’s have regular manager-employee catch up meetings focused on feedforward and joint learning), I suggest you focus on getting most out of them. Yes, make them meaningful and worthwhile. For you, your leader, your team, and your organization. In this order!

Besides giving each other feedback in those meetings, I recommend viewing them as an opportunity to highlight your contributions, value, and future ambitions. To be more specific, why not using an annual review meeting to talk with your manager about your career path with an eye toward a promotion or raise, or both? It’s the perfect moment, isn’t it? Asking for a promotion is usually successful when the circumstances and timing are right. Some would say that you’ll get it when you’re ready and when you deserve it. That seems to be a reasonable assumption. At least theoretically.

Others would argue, however, that promotions are often driven by subjective judgement calls and interests of a few decision makers. And that not always the one who deserves it would eventually get it. Therefore, if you have been passed over for a promotion and are frustrated, then you should raise the topic and make your case. Don’t allow being dragged down; or even worse, handing in your resignation based on being disappointed. Instead, face the discussion and don’t give too quickly away what you have built and what you deserve. Especially when you like what you do.

When you’ve successfully mastered all tasks and assignments over a longer period of time, when you help others to succeed, when you constantly take on additional responsibilities, when you’ve made progress in your development areas, when your work positively impacts the business and your organization, and when you usually approach challenges with an open and curious mind, then you are ready!

Then you should build your case.
Then you should ask for a promotion.
Then you should not walk away.
Now is the best time to do so!

What are you waiting for? Get your promotion, if you think you deserve it!

In case you are stuck and/or look for effective ways to build and accelerate your career or to position yourself for success, and if you need an independent sparring partner, then feel free reaching out to me via or have a look at my new website at


PS: My book reco of this month is “Smart Leadership” by Mark Miller who is Vice President of High-Performance Leadership at Chick-fil-A, a bestselling author, and leadership coach. Find out more in his very insightful book on how four research-based “smart choices” can help you to scale your influence and results. Enjoy!

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